Our services.
Home Health
Our nurses provide skilled and rehabilitative services in your home. These services may include:
Skilled Nursing
Home Health Aide
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Physical TherapyThese services are provided under a physician’s order, to homebound clients who can be adequately and safely cared for in the home.
Chore-housekeeping services are referred to the Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-252-9027.
Health Support
Our Health Support Services is a private pay program. It is available for those clients that are in need of services that can be provided by our nurses or home health aides either in-home or our office. Available services include:
In-home B.P’s
Venipunctures for blood draws
Medication set-up
Port Flush
Wound and Personal Care
Homemaker/Companion/Respite ServicesFees differ for each service provided.
Maternal Health
The primary focus of this service is to ensure that pregnant women receive early and continued comprehensive prenatal care to promote successful pregnancy outcomes.
We Offer:
• Prenatal education
• Financial assistance for prenatal medical care
• Prenatal/Postnatal home visits
• Referrals for supportive services such as WIC, counseling, prenatal/postnatal depression screening.
• Free Breastfeeding Peer Counseling during and after business hours, in-office or in-home.Pregnancy tests are done FREE for all residents. Call for an appointment.
Child Health
The following services are available to families with children up through age 20 that qualify based on income:
• Well Child Screenings
• Developmental Screening
• HemoglobinLead screenings are offered by appointment only. Call for details.
Family Case Management
The Family Case Management program provides pregnant women and families with children up through age 5, access to services by assessing needs, providing education, referrals, and follow-up according to those needs.
Women, Infants & Children
WIC is a nutrition education program that provides supplemental foods which promote good health for pregnant, breastfeeding & postpartum women, infants & children up to age five.
To be eligible:
• Be a resident of Illinois
• Meet income guidelines
• Want to improve your family’s health with good nutrition -
Disaster Planning
The Calhoun County Health Department works closely with the Illinois Department of Public Health, neighboring county health departments, Regional Emergency Planning groups, the Calhoun County Commissioners, IEMA, and local 1st responders to prepare for any emergency situation that may face our citizens.
Communicable Disease
The Calhoun County Health Department provides investigation, reporting, and control of communicable diseases.
Professional and public education and information concerning disease outbreaks and prevention are also provided.
We provide TB testing by appointment and AIDS/STD education.
Referral service is available for AIDS testing and is strictly confidential.
Smoking Cessation
The Calhoun County Health Department works with the Illinois Department of Public Health & the Illinois American Lung Association to provide smoking cessation services.
Any citizen 18 years of age and older can call the Illinois American Lung Association at (866) 784-8937 to register.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy is included for those who do not have insurance that covers them.
Community Services
Cancer Society: Wigs, scarves, hats, etc. are available at the Health Department provided by the American Cancer Society
Lipid, Glucose & PSA Testing: In conjunction with the Healthcare Providers Alliance of Illinois Organization, the Calhoun County Health Department offers lipid and glucose testing twice a year, in February and September. PSA testing is available only in September.
Breast & Cervical Cancer: This program offers FREE well-woman exams and mammograms to women who meet program guidelines.
Adult Immunization: Influenza and Pneumonia vaccine along with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Tetanus, and Tdap are offered in our office.
Please call our office with questions about insurance or fees associated with these services!
In accordance with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the CDC, the following immunizations are offered to children 0-18 months through the Vaccine for Children program.
• DTaP/TD (Diptheria, tetanus and pertussis)
• Hib
• IPV (Polio)
• MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)
• Varicella (Chickenpox)
• Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B
• Pneumococcal conjugate
• Influenza
• Tdap
• Meningitis
There is a fee for administering Immunizations. Call for more information.Clinics are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month from 1-4 pm or by appointment.
Enviromental Health
Our Environmental Health Programs include but are not limited to:
• Food Service establishment: Consultation, Education, Inspection
• Food borne illness Investigation
• Nuisance Ordinance Investigation and Enforcement
• Vector Control Surveillance
• Commercial Tanning Booth: Inspections, Consultations, Code Enforcement
• Water: New Well permit applications, New well inspections, Well water testing supplies, Consultations, Code enforcement
• Septic Systems: Consultations, Education, Inspection, Code Enforcement, New Private sewage disposal, permit applicationsGo to the IL Department of Public Health website to review information regarding food and water-borne illness. Please contact the CCHD within 24 hours if you feel like you have come in contact with a food or water borne bacteria.
Private Sewage
The Department issues permits for the installation or repair of private sewage disposal systems upon any building which is not able to connect to a public sewer system. The system's proposed design is presneted to the Department for approval prior to installation. The system shall be constructed and sized to treat the sewage generated from the building without contaminating the water table or any urface bodies of water as per the IDPH Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act and Code. The staff also addresses complaints, unauthorized and failing installations and inspects the final installation prior to covering the private sewage disposal system. The permit application process is available to print on our 'FORMS' tab or in our office.
Private Water
The Calhoun County Health Department approves and issues permits for water wells upon property. Permits are also obtained for sealing an older well and samples are obtained from wells to insure a safe supply. We prepare and send reports to the well owner explaining the lab analysis results for all types of private water supplies (cisterns, wells, tankers) and regulates if the supply does not meet the requirements of the codes, i.e. the IDPH Well Construction Code, the IDPH Water Well and Pump Sanitary Practice Code and the IL Drinking Water System's Code depending upon the system inspected. The Department also monitors private water supplied facilities that serve a required population by routine testing to insure the facilities serve potable water out of their private water supply.
Retail Food Program
The Department inspects all retail food facilities which prepare and sell food including retail operations that sell processed foods such a gum, chips, groceries, meals; any packaged food. Examples are delis, convenience stores, restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, bars, and seasonal temporary food stand. The frequencies they are inspected is determined by what they sell, how they prepare it, how long the food is held once prepared and the preparation methods utilized such as thawing, reheating, hot holding, cooling and cooking methods. The Food Program also investigates complaints, foodborne illneses and outbreaks and emergency issues such as fires, floods, loss of electricity or other environmental concerns. We insure the facilities are preparing the food safely without contamination, utilizing proper hygiene and that the foods are held, stored and prepared at the proper temperatures required by the IDPH Retail Food Service Sanitation Code. The failure to provide safe food will result in suspension, closure and/or fines
The Nuisance Program consists of an approved county ordinance which corrects issues that may cause a public health hazard. Issues include: pests in a home or business, unsafe structures, open burning that would create a hazard for an adjoining property who is sensitive to smoke, and the removal and maintenance of weeds, cars, trash, infestation of insects/rodents and any other issue which may be deemed a nuisance in the rural county areas.
This program is the monitoring and control of any insect/rodent etc. that can carry and transmit disease. Examples are: rabies, West Nile virus, encephalitis, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and malaria. Grants are obtained for the surveillance and the monitoring of imminent pathogens which are transmitted by insects or animals to humans or animals.
Tanning/Tattoo/Body Piercing
The tanning program monitors and inspects tanning booths and tattoo parlors ensuring sanitation is followed to eliminate any possibility of a health hazard during the application of the art and tanning. Permitting for these facilities is obtained through the IDPH in Springfield. IDPH has set in place approved regulatory codes for these retail practices. Once licensed by the IDPH, the county health department will routinely inspect the facility.
Safe Sitter
Safe Sitter® prepares students in grades 6-8 to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. Students learn life-saving skills such as how to rescue someone who’s choking and helpful information like what to do if there’s severe weather. The lessons are filled with fun activities and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use CPR manikins to practice choking rescue and CPR! Click here to learn more!